I've a big problem with a jQuery Mobile Application: I'm using custom functions (they are triggered by onClick) to switch the page with currentPage.
It only happens on Android-Devices on sites in which has changed (due to ajax requests) with the integrated browser. iOS and Chrome works nice.
After clicking on an element, the animation started but just before it ends, it switches back to the old page. After a half second, it switches back to the new.
I made a movie of the bug here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXxvVUxniNg
Thank you very much
Code (CoffeeScript):
class Guide
@categoriesLoaded = false
@loadSearch: ->
$.mobile.changePage $("#guide"),
transition: 'slide'
changeHash: false
if !@categoriesLoaded
@categoriesLoaded = true
GuideApi.getCategories (data) ->
output = Mustache.render $("#tmpl-guide-categories-select").html(),
categories: data
$("#guide-search-category").append output
$("#guide-search-category").val($("#guide-search-category option:first").val());
window.WgSwitchGuide = ->
$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = 'none';
:-( – Loggins