Split a given std::variant type by a given criteria
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How to by a given variant type

using V = std::variant<bool, char, std::string, int, float, double, std::vector<int>>;

declare two variant types

using V1 = std::variant<bool, char, int, float, double>;
using V2 = std::variant<std::string, std::vector<int>>;

where V1 includes all the arithmetic types from V and V2 includes all non-arithmetic types from V?

V can be a parameter of a template class, for example:

template <class V>
struct TheAnswer
    using V1 = ?;
    using V2 = ?;

in general the criteria can be a constexpr variable like this:

template <class T>
constexpr bool filter;
Jasun answered 4/3, 2020 at 14:38 Comment(0)

If for whatever reason you don't want to use Barry's short and reasonable answer, here is one that is neither (thanks @xskxzr for removing the awkward "bootstrap" specialization, and to @max66 for warning me against the empty variant corner case):

namespace detail {
    template <class V>
    struct convert_empty_variant {
        using type = V;

    template <>
    struct convert_empty_variant<std::variant<>> {
        using type = std::variant<std::monostate>;

    template <class V>
    using convert_empty_variant_t = typename convert_empty_variant<V>::type;

    template <class V1, class V2, template <class> class Predicate, class V>
    struct split_variant;

    template <class V1, class V2, template <class> class Predicate>
    struct split_variant<V1, V2, Predicate, std::variant<>> {
        using matching = convert_empty_variant_t<V1>;
        using non_matching = convert_empty_variant_t<V2>;

    template <class... V1s, class... V2s, template <class> class Predicate, class Head, class... Tail>
    struct split_variant<std::variant<V1s...>, std::variant<V2s...>, Predicate, std::variant<Head, Tail...>>
    : std::conditional_t<
        split_variant<std::variant<V1s..., Head>, std::variant<V2s...>, Predicate, std::variant<Tail...>>,
        split_variant<std::variant<V1s...>, std::variant<V2s..., Head>, Predicate, std::variant<Tail...>>
    > { };

template <class V, template <class> class Predicate>
using split_variant = detail::split_variant<std::variant<>, std::variant<>, Predicate, V>;

See it live on Wandbox

Changeup answered 4/3, 2020 at 14:59 Comment(4)
Maybe you can unpack Types... inside std::variant directly, like this?Gladisgladney
Sorry, but... as far I know, a empty std::variant is ill-formed.Chippy
@Chippy Apparently only instantiating std::variant<> is ill-formed, so I'm in the clear. I will tweak it so that V1 and V2 fall back to std::variant<std::monostate> though.Changeup
Ah... ill-formed only if instantiated... OK; seems reasonable to me.Chippy

With Boost.Mp11, this is a short one-liner (as always):

using V1 = mp_filter<std::is_arithmetic, V>;
using V2 = mp_remove_if<V, std::is_arithmetic>;

You can also use:

using V1 = mp_copy_if<V, std::is_arithmetic>;

to make the two more symmetric.


using P = mp_partition<V, std::is_arithmetic>;
using V1 = mp_first<P>;
using V2 = mp_second<P>;
Equivalent answered 4/3, 2020 at 14:48 Comment(6)
What ideas is this mp_filter based on?Jasun
@AlexeyStarinsky I don't understand the question - what do you mean, what ideas?Equivalent
I do not understand why you do not understand :) I mean what technique does it use to transform std::variant?Jasun
@AlexeyStarinsky Read the documentation, it also links to some posts that Peter wrote, it's quite informative.Equivalent
@MaximEgorushkin It's the best metaprogramming library imo. I have a lot of answers on here that start with "With Boost.Mp11, this is a short one-liner"Equivalent
@Equivalent I am reading the docs right now and it looks much better than boost.MPL.Bader

If for whatever reason you don't want to use Barry's short and reasonable answer, here is one that is neither (thanks @xskxzr for removing the awkward "bootstrap" specialization, and to @max66 for warning me against the empty variant corner case):

namespace detail {
    template <class V>
    struct convert_empty_variant {
        using type = V;

    template <>
    struct convert_empty_variant<std::variant<>> {
        using type = std::variant<std::monostate>;

    template <class V>
    using convert_empty_variant_t = typename convert_empty_variant<V>::type;

    template <class V1, class V2, template <class> class Predicate, class V>
    struct split_variant;

    template <class V1, class V2, template <class> class Predicate>
    struct split_variant<V1, V2, Predicate, std::variant<>> {
        using matching = convert_empty_variant_t<V1>;
        using non_matching = convert_empty_variant_t<V2>;

    template <class... V1s, class... V2s, template <class> class Predicate, class Head, class... Tail>
    struct split_variant<std::variant<V1s...>, std::variant<V2s...>, Predicate, std::variant<Head, Tail...>>
    : std::conditional_t<
        split_variant<std::variant<V1s..., Head>, std::variant<V2s...>, Predicate, std::variant<Tail...>>,
        split_variant<std::variant<V1s...>, std::variant<V2s..., Head>, Predicate, std::variant<Tail...>>
    > { };

template <class V, template <class> class Predicate>
using split_variant = detail::split_variant<std::variant<>, std::variant<>, Predicate, V>;

See it live on Wandbox

Changeup answered 4/3, 2020 at 14:59 Comment(4)
Maybe you can unpack Types... inside std::variant directly, like this?Gladisgladney
Sorry, but... as far I know, a empty std::variant is ill-formed.Chippy
@Chippy Apparently only instantiating std::variant<> is ill-formed, so I'm in the clear. I will tweak it so that V1 and V2 fall back to std::variant<std::monostate> though.Changeup
Ah... ill-formed only if instantiated... OK; seems reasonable to me.Chippy

EDIT Given that a empty variant (std::variant<>) is ill formed (according cppreference) and that should be used std::variant<std::monostate> instead, I've modified the answer (added a tuple2variant() specialization for empty tuple) to support the case when the list of types for V1 or V2 is empty.

It's a little decltype() delirium but... if you declare a helper filter couple of function as follows

template <bool B, typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<B == std::is_arithmetic_v<T>, std::tuple<T>>
   filterArithm ();

template <bool B, typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<B != std::is_arithmetic_v<T>, std::tuple<>>
   filterArithm ();

and a tuple to variant function (with a specialization for empty tuples, to avoid a empty std::variant)

std::variant<std::monostate> tuple2variant (std::tuple<> const &);

template <typename ... Ts>
std::variant<Ts...> tuple2variant (std::tuple<Ts...> const &);

your class simply (?) become

template <typename ... Ts>
struct TheAnswer<std::variant<Ts...>>
   using V1 = decltype(tuple2variant(std::declval<
                 decltype(std::tuple_cat( filterArithm<true, Ts>()... ))>()));
   using V2 = decltype(tuple2variant(std::declval<
                 decltype(std::tuple_cat( filterArithm<false, Ts>()... ))>()));

If you want something more generic (if you want to pass std::arithmetic as a template parameter), you can modify the filterArithm() function passing a template-template filter parameter F (renamed filterType())

template <template <typename> class F, bool B, typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<B == F<T>::value, std::tuple<T>>
   filterType ();

template <template <typename> class F, bool B, typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<B != F<T>::value, std::tuple<>>
   filterType ();

The TheAnswer class become

template <typename, template <typename> class>
struct TheAnswer;

template <typename ... Ts, template <typename> class F>
struct TheAnswer<std::variant<Ts...>, F>
   using V1 = decltype(tuple2variant(std::declval<decltype(
                 std::tuple_cat( filterType<F, true, Ts>()... ))>()));
   using V2 = decltype(tuple2variant(std::declval<decltype(
                 std::tuple_cat( filterType<F, false, Ts>()... ))>()));

and the TA declaration take also std::is_arithmetic

using TA = TheAnswer<std::variant<bool, char, std::string, int, float,
                                  double, std::vector<int>>,

The following is a full compiling example with std::is_arithmetic as parameter and a V2 empty case

#include <tuple>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <variant>
#include <type_traits>

std::variant<std::monostate> tuple2variant (std::tuple<> const &);

template <typename ... Ts>
std::variant<Ts...> tuple2variant (std::tuple<Ts...> const &);

template <template <typename> class F, bool B, typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<B == F<T>::value, std::tuple<T>>
   filterType ();

template <template <typename> class F, bool B, typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<B != F<T>::value, std::tuple<>>
   filterType ();

template <typename, template <typename> class>
struct TheAnswer;

template <typename ... Ts, template <typename> class F>
struct TheAnswer<std::variant<Ts...>, F>
   using V1 = decltype(tuple2variant(std::declval<decltype(
                 std::tuple_cat( filterType<F, true, Ts>()... ))>()));
   using V2 = decltype(tuple2variant(std::declval<decltype(
                 std::tuple_cat( filterType<F, false, Ts>()... ))>()));

int main ()
   using TA = TheAnswer<std::variant<bool, char, std::string, int, float,
                                     double, std::vector<int>>,
   using TB = TheAnswer<std::variant<bool, char, int, float, double>,

   using VA1 = std::variant<bool, char, int, float, double>;
   using VA2 = std::variant<std::string, std::vector<int>>;
   using VB1 = VA1;
   using VB2 = std::variant<std::monostate>;

   static_assert( std::is_same_v<VA1, TA::V1> );
   static_assert( std::is_same_v<VA2, TA::V2> );
   static_assert( std::is_same_v<VB1, TB::V1> );
   static_assert( std::is_same_v<VB2, TB::V2> );
Chippy answered 4/3, 2020 at 14:59 Comment(2)
@Gladisgladney - Sorry but I don't understand your objection. void, as far I know, is forbidden as type in a std::variant.Chippy
My bad, I didn't realize std::variant<void> is ill-formed, but it seems std::variant<> is OK if its definition is not instantiated.Gladisgladney

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