I have an untemplated functor object that I'm trying to store as a std::function
inside another object. This object is really heavyweight, so it's marked as uncopyable, but it does have a move constructor. However, trying to construct a std::function, or assign it, from a temporary constructor fails.
Here is a minimal example to provoke the error.
// pretend this is a really heavyweight functor that can't be copied.
struct ExampleTest
int x;
int operator()(void) const {return x*2;}
ExampleTest( ) :x(0){}
ExampleTest( int a ) :x(a){}
// allow move
ExampleTest( ExampleTest &&other ) :x(other.x) {};
private: // disallow copy, assignment
ExampleTest( const ExampleTest &other );
void operator=( const ExampleTest &other );
// this sometimes stores really big functors and other times stores tiny lambdas.
struct ExampleContainer
ExampleContainer( int );
std::function<int(void)> funct;
/******** ERROR:
Compiler error: 'ExampleTest::ExampleTest' : cannot access private member
declared in class 'ExampleTest'
ExampleContainer::ExampleContainer( int x )
: funct( ExampleTest( x ) )
/******** ERROR:
Compiler error: 'ExampleTest::ExampleTest' : cannot access private member
declared in class 'ExampleTest'
int SetExample( ExampleContainer *container )
container->funct = ExampleTest();
return container->funct();
In an even simpler construction, where I'm just making a local function, I also get the error:
int ContrivedExample( )
// extra parens to sidestep most vexing parse
std::function<int()> zug( (ExampleTest()) );
/*** ERROR: 'ExampleTest::ExampleTest' : cannot access private member
declared in class 'ExampleTest' */
int troz = zug( ) ;
return troz;
So far as I can tell, in all of these cases, a temporary ExampleTest ought to be passed to the function constructor as an rvalue. Yet the compiler wants to copy them.
What gives? Is it possible to pass uncopyable (but move-copyable) functor objects to a std::function constructor? There are workarounds with pointers and so on, but I want to understand what is going on here.
The specific errors above are from Visual Studio 2012 with the CTP C++11 patch. GCC 4.8 and Clang 3 also fall down, with their own error messages.
and= delete
instead of private copy-ctor and assignment-op? – Illustrious= delete
syntax. – Narcolepsy