I have watched Explore structured concurrency in Swift
video and other relevant videos / articles / books I was able to find (swift by Sundell, hacking with swift, Ray Renderlich), but all examples there are very trivial - async functions usually only have 1 async call in them. How should this work in real life code?
For example:
task = Task {
var longRunningWorker: LongRunningWorker? = nil
do {
var fileURL = state.fileURL
if state.needsCompression {
longRunningWorker = LongRunningWorker(inputURL: fileURL)
fileURL = try await longRunningWorker!.doAsyncWork()
let urls = try await ApiService.i.fetchUploadUrls()
if let image = state.image, let imageData = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) {
guard let imageUrl = urls.signedImageUrl else {
fatalError("Cover art supplied but art upload URL is nil")
try await ApiService.i.uploadData(url: imageUrl, data: imageData)
let fileData = try Data(contentsOf: state.fileUrl)
try await ApiService.i.uploadData(url: urls.signedFileUrl, data: fileData)
try await ApiService.i.doAnotherAsyncNetworkCall()
} catch {
throw error
Then at some point I will call task.cancel()
Whose responsible for cancelling what? Examples I've seen so far would use try Task.checkCancellation()
, but for this code that line should appear every few lines - is that how it should be done?
If API service uses URLSession the calls will be cancelled on iOS 15, but we don't use async variant of URLSession code so we have to cancel the calls manually. Also this applies to all the long running worker code.
I am also thinking that I could add this check within each of async functions, but then basically all async functions would have the same boilerplate code which again seems wrong and I haven't seen that done in any of the videos.
EDIT: I have removed callback calls as those are irrelevant to the question.
, the modal only gets dismissed after current network call ends. Cancellation handler fires immediately, but wonder if there's a way for it to stop parent task execution immediately as well by throwing an error. – Commissariat