Testing a rails application which has before_filter :authenticate_user!
for most controllers, I cannot get Capybara to preserve a session.
I have Capybara configured using PhantomJS with poltergeist.
I use the following helper:
require 'spec_helper'
include Warden::Test::Helpers
module FeatureHelpers
def login(user = FactoryGirl.create(:default_user))
login_as user, scope: :user
I have the following spec file:
require 'spec_helper'
include Warden::Test::Helpers
feature 'Leads Data Tasks View' do
before(:each) do
@user = login
after{ Warden.test_reset! }
context "clicking a task button" do
scenario "login persists across multuple actions", js: true do
visit '/tasks'
page.should have_selector('#parse', count: 1)
When I run the test as it's shown here, it will pass. However, if I invoke a click_link
on something that performs AJAX actions, or if I simply try to do visit '/tasks'
twice, the should
assertion will fail because I'll get redirected to the login page of the app.
I've tried a few different approaches, including setting up a Capybara::Session, but I still get 401 codes on AJAX requests and I can only successfully visit once per spec.
What am I doing wrong?
call so that it simply loads the page twice, no AJAX happens in between. – Yellowprotect_from_forgery
in my application controller. Neither of these changed the outcome; I still get 401 on all but the first request. – YellowDevise::Test::Helpers
instead ofWarden::Test::Helpers
– Orangutanspec/support/shared_db_connection.rb
– Midpoint