I need to delete accents from characters in Spanish and others languages from different datasets.
I already did a function based in the code provided in this post that removes special the accents. The problem is that the function is slow because it uses an UDF
I'm just wondering if I can improve the performance of my function to get results in less time, because this is good for small dataframes but not for big ones.
Thanks in advance.
Here the code, you will be able to run it as it is presented:
# Importing sql types
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, IntegerType, StructType, StructField
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
import unicodedata
# Building a simple dataframe:
schema = StructType([StructField("city", StringType(), True),
StructField("country", StringType(), True),
StructField("population", IntegerType(), True)])
countries = ['Venezuela', 'US@A', 'Brazil', 'Spain']
cities = ['Maracaibó', 'New York', ' São Paulo ', '~Madrid']
population = [37800000,19795791,12341418,6489162]
# Dataframe:
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(list(zip(cities, countries, population)), schema=schema)
class Test():
def __init__(self, df):
self.df = df
def clearAccents(self, columns):
"""This function deletes accents in strings column dataFrames,
it does not eliminate main characters, but only deletes special tildes.
:param columns String or a list of column names.
# Filters all string columns in dataFrame
validCols = [c for (c, t) in filter(lambda t: t[1] == 'string', self.df.dtypes)]
# If None or [] is provided with column parameter:
if (columns == "*"): columns = validCols[:]
# Receives a string as an argument
def remove_accents(inputStr):
# first, normalize strings:
nfkdStr = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', inputStr)
# Keep chars that has no other char combined (i.e. accents chars)
withOutAccents = u"".join([c for c in nfkdStr if not unicodedata.combining(c)])
return withOutAccents
function = udf(lambda x: remove_accents(x) if x != None else x, StringType())
exprs = [function(col(c)).alias(c) if (c in columns) and (c in validCols) else c for c in self.df.columns]
self.df = self.df.select(*exprs)
foo = Test(df)