I am trying to send DTO Object from one jsp to another jsp using jsp:include tag. But it is always treating it as String. I can't able to use DTO in my included jsp file.
Here is a code ..
<c:forEach items="${attributeDTOList}" var="attribute" varStatus="status">
<jsp:include page="attributeSubFeatureRemove.jsp" >
<jsp:param name="attribute" value="${attribute}" />
attributeSubFeatureRemove.jsp file ..
<c:set value="${param.attribute}" var="attribute" />
<c:forEach items="${attribute.subFeatures}" var="subAttribute">
<c:forEach items="${subAttribute.attributeValues}" var="subValue">
<c:if test="${ subValue.preSelectionRequired}">
<c:set var="replaceParams" value=":${subAttribute.name}:${subValue.name}" />
<c:set var="removeURL" value="${fn:replace(removeURL, replaceParams, '')}" />
<jsp:include page="attributeSubFeatureRemove.jsp">
<jsp:param name="subAttribute" value="${subAttribute}" />
Here I am trying to get attribute value from param, it is always sending String Type Value. Is there any way to send Object (DTO) in attributeSubFeatureRemove jsp file ? Please help.