You can do something like this using VertexRenderingFunction
GraphPlot[{{A -> C, "go"}, {C -> B, "gone"}, {C -> D, "went"}, {C -> C, "loop"}},
DirectedEdges -> True,
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({{White, Disk[#, 0.15]},
AbsoluteThickness[2], Circle[#, 0.15],
If[MatchQ[#2, A | B], Circle[#, 0.12], {}], Text[#2, #]} &)]
Method Updated February 2015
To preserve the ability to interactively rearrange the graph with the drawing tools (double click) one must keep the vertex graphics inside of GraphicsComplex
, with indexes rather than coordinates. I believe one could do this from VertexRenderingFunction
using an incrementing variable but it seems easier an possibly more robust to do it with post-processing. This works in versions 7 and 10 of Mathematica, presumably 8 and 9 as well:
{{A -> C, "go"}, {C -> B, "gone"}, {C -> D, "went"}, {C -> C, "loop"}},
DirectedEdges -> True
] /.
Tooltip[Point[n_Integer], label_] :>
{{White, Disk[n, 0.15]},
Black, AbsoluteThickness[2], Circle[n, 0.15],
If[MatchQ[label, A | B], Circle[n, 0.12], {}], Text[label, n]}