I am using swagger to test my rest api, one of the property of my entity class is a date field for which I need the date in yyyy-mm-dd format , but swagger model schema is showing this field as date-time instead of date field, therefore it gives date with time and zone. How can I convert this date-time into date field ?
I have a java entity class TimeEntry.java one of its property is Date, it looks like this.
@ApiModelProperty(required = true)
@JsonFormat(pattern = DATE_FORMAT)
private Date date;
for this field, on the swagger UI model schema, the field date displays as "date": "2016-01-08T22:34:22.337Z" but I need this as "date":"2016-01-08" .
I have tried the following:
@ApiModelProperty(required = true, dataType="date")
@JsonFormat(pattern = DATE_FORMAT)
private Date date;
2.Tried to follow along this code (override OverrideConvertor class) but could not find swagger-core 1.3 version mvn repo. Only available is 1.5 version https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/overriding-models
- Apparently from 1.5 version they have removed the OverrideConvertor class https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/swagger-swaggersocket/ChiknyHZiP4
Please help.
is a java type, as injava.lang.String
, not the "swagger type". – Sclar