I have been fiddling with Xcode 7 for sometime now, I get to know that it supports only Swift 2 and there is no way to support Swift 1.0 or 1.2 in Xcode 7. This is fine.
Now coming to WatchOS, can I have two targets one for WatchOS1 and one for WatchOS2 separately in Xcode 7 so that I can support for both??
I was looking into the deployment target setting in the build settings of both the watch target and the iOS app target but I could see only WatchOS2 in the list so
Can I support two targets one for WatchOS1 & WatchOS2 respectively in Xcode 7? If so should I install WatchOS1 SDK at some place?? or this it totally not possible, if not why?.
If both targets can be supported how can I prevent source duplicates for both targets since both OS have significant differences in terms of architecture.
Also since the introduction of WatchConnectivity framework the iOS counterpart app will also have some changes, how to maintain that for the two targets?
I am confused and I need to take a decision quickly, any help is appreciated.