Is it possible to throw a Lua error from a function to be handled by the script calling the function?
For example the following will throw an error at indicated comment
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
string.format(...) -- Error is indicated to be here
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil)
But what I would rather do is catch the error and throw out a custom error by the function caller
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
if pcall(function(...)
end) == false then
-- I want to throw a custom error to whatever is making the call to this function
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil) -- Want the error to start unwinding here
The intention being that in my actual use cases my functions would be more complicated and I would like to provide more meaningful error messages
I was already aware error throws an error but the stack trace is not coming from the caller – Distributive