1.the first two are instructions,the third it's kind of special register
- jal=jump and link (Address of following instruction put in $ra,and jump to target address)
- jr=jump to specify register
- $ra=return address
we often use the instruction like this ...
- jr $ra (Copy $ra to program counter)
it means return(jump) to the address saved in $ra .
Here's an example function (procedure) in C
int main(){
int addthem(int a, int b){
return a+b;
function in MIPS
main: #assume value a is already in $t0, b in $t1
add $a0,$0,$t0 # it's the same function as move the value
add $a1,$0,$t1
jal addthem # call procedure
add $t3,$0,$v0 # move the return value from $v0 to where we want
addi $sp,$sp,-4 # Moving Stack pointer
sw $t0, 0($sp) # Store previous value
add $t0,$a0,$a1 # Procedure Body
add $v0,$0,$t0 # Result
lw $t0, 0($sp) # Load previous value
addi $sp,$sp,4 # Moving Stack pointer
jr $ra # return (Copy $ra to PC)