Updated on July 31, 2018 to strikethrough obsolete information, and add details on the official release of NetBeans 9.
You are downloading NetBeans from Oracle's site, so you should have no expectation that even the nightly dev build will work with Java 10.
NetBeans is currently being handed over to Apache from Oracle, and there is a development build available for download from Apache in the form of a zip file from here:
You can unzip that file on Linux, Mac or Windows and it will work with Java 10. Just be aware that it has not yet been formally released; that is a few weeks away.
You can check for bugs and/or report bugs here:
UPDATE June 4, 2018
Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 was released on May 28. The source and the binary can be downloaded as zip files from here:
UPDATE July 31, 2018
Apache NetBeans 9.0 was released on July 29. The source and the binary can be downloaded as zip files from here:
NetBeans 9 officially only supports Java SE which means:
- The Project Wizard is limited compared to NetBeans 8.2. For example, it does not even allow you to create a Java web application.
- Most plugins are not available. The unzipped download of NetBeans does not even allow you to install plugins for Java EE, C/C++, Fortran, Grails, Groovy, PHP etc.
However, it is a simple process to enable that functionality (at your own risk). See the answer to How to get Netbeans 9 to deploy a valid webapp on Tomcat for details.
For an explanation on why the plugins are not available by default see What's Happened to My Favorite NetBeans Plugins?.
builds? those are not stable builds and mend for testing/contribution only. Do you have multiple JDK installed? – CubismC:\Program Files\Java
jre will be in that folder not inside jdk folder – Macro