Listen to volume changes events on Android
Asked Answered



Is there any way to listen to the event of volume change on Android, without just taking over the volume buttons?

The only thing I've found that works is here, but it works only after the volume control has disappeared.

Not all devices have volume buttons, and I need to capture the volume changes as soon as they occur, and not after the volume dialog is gone.

Note: I'm talking about music/media volume, which is what the OS handles by default when changing volume within apps.

Magnuson answered 3/7, 2012 at 20:47 Comment(4)
Use ContentObserver and get the volumes from audiomanager. I recently used it and it works great.Check this Solution in stackoverflowChatty
it´s an older post, but it´s paltry that there isn´t a broadcat implemented until now in Android....5 years later, still no broadcast...Daliadalila
@Daliadalila Maybe create a request for it, here: . I will star it :)Magnuson
you are right. But it´s my first created suggestion, I have no code sample for something like a broadcast. I hope they will accept it...Daliadalila

For those using kotlin flows, you can use the following approach to listen to volume changes for a specific stream:

val Context.musicVolumeFlow
    get() = callbackFlow {
        val receiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
            override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
                when (intent.getIntExtra("", 0)) {
                    AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC -> trySend(

        registerReceiver(receiver, IntentFilter(""))
        awaitClose { unregisterReceiver(receiver) }

You can then collect it as follows from an Activity or Service:

lifecycleScope.launch {
    musicVolumeFlow.collect { Log.d("AppLog", "stream volume: $it") }

Notice this example is only interested in AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC. Make sure to target the audio stream relevant to your application.

Emad answered 10/4, 2024 at 2:10 Comment(10)
Have you tested it? The VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION was already suggested and said it can't be used. It's also mentioned here:
I've shared it because I tested it and implemented it in my app. I read the entry you reference and I disagree with the statement "there is no [constant] in the Android SDK". You can look at the source code of AudioManager yourself and verify they are defined there. However, it is true those constants are not made public, which is why I had to use the string values explicitly. Considering it's been 12 years and they are still there, I am not too concerned about them being changed or removed, but it's technically true there is no guarantee they will remain available.Emad
OK I've tested it now. Still doesn't work. Tested on Pixel 6, using 3 methods: touching on the volume slider, using the volume keys, and also via hotkeys of ScrCpy (left ALT+arrows). Also tried on emulator API 33. Nothing happens there either. So unless you've forgotten to mention something in your snippet, it's still not a reliable solution at all.Magnuson
Can you share the code you used to test this please? I've just copied and pasted the sample code I provided in a project and deployed it to a Pixel 4a and I can see the expected logs when I adjust the slider for the Ring and notification volume.Emad
I have added some clarification to my answer regarding streams. The hardware volume keys are bound to the Media volume, for which the AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC constant should be used. The example I provided targets AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, which means no events would be emitted by adjusting the volume using the hardware keys.Emad
Oh I think it's because what I wrote is about testing the volume of the media. You should change it because STREAM_NOTIFICATION is never the default one to change in any volume control. It's used only in the settings of the OS... I've even told you that I used the volume buttons and ScrCpy... I should try again your code with the correct modification.Magnuson
I've now fixed your code. The question wasn't about notification volume specfically. It was for the main one.Magnuson
Also requested to have an official API for this:
Fix your question as well then, because it is not clear what volume you are referring to. Also you forgot to adjust the name of the extension property because it still reads notification.Emad
I've fixed the code with what you wanted, but the question was always about the volume inside the app, which is media/music by default. If it was a specific one that isn't as common, I would have mentioned it. Go to any normal app and try to change the volume using the volume keys, and you will see that it's the media/music volume that's changing. Only on old Android versions it was something else (ringtones), but this was a very long time ago. I've mentioned it still in the question, to make it clear.Magnuson

Better, you can register a ContentObserver as follows:

  getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(android.provider.Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, true, new ContentObserver(){...} );

Your ContentObserver might look like this:

public class SettingsContentObserver extends ContentObserver {
    private AudioManager audioManager;

    public SettingsContentObserver(Context context, Handler handler) {
        audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);

    public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() {
        return false;

    public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
        int currentVolume = audioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);

        Log.d(TAG, "Volume now " + currentVolume);

When done:


One caution, though - sometimes the notifications seem to be delayed if there are lots of button presses quickly.

Lollop answered 25/5, 2015 at 15:27 Comment(2)
How can I look for a long press for the volume button?Shaft
onChanged is never getting called for me, do you know why? API 23. Does permissions need to be declared somehow? There are no errors, it just never gets called.Fara

ok , for now , what i do is to listen to the volume buttons using onKeyDown (and check for KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE,KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP ) , and using a handler i've posted a new runnable that checks the volume level .

also , since some devices have a volume dialog , i've added a listener to when it is being disappeared , according to this link.

Magnuson answered 10/7, 2012 at 9:44 Comment(7)
Since is not a viable option and since registerMediaButtonEventReceiver doesn't even work, your approach seems the only way (so far). Thanks +1.Tootsie
Are you sure it works if the display is dimmed? I've tested it on an emulator and I was only able to intercept the event if the display wasn't dimmed. I asked a similar question #53359840 but nobody answered. I don't understand why the events cannot be intercepted if the display is dimmed...Tacy
@Tacy Have you also tested it on real device? If not, and you don't have one, you can show me a sample project (via Github please) and I will test it for you.Magnuson
@androiddeveloper I've only tested it on a real device for the event KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK which is a button on a head set that can be used to accept calls, but I assume that onKeyDown() doesn't work for any key press if the display is dimmed. I've already run against a question in this forum that discusses the problem, but I can't find it. I'll post it if I find it. In the meanwhile you can test it. I don't think it's too hard. Just try to reproduce it with the events you mentioned in your answer while the display of your phone is dimmed.Tacy
@Tacy If the device is dimmed, the front app is not your app, as far as I know, so it shouldn't take get the events.Magnuson
@androiddeveloper It may be so. But your app may still do some work and have the need to be notified about this event. So to me it's a not reliable way to use onKeyDown() callback because it's only called when display isn't dimmed.Tacy
@Tacy I think that other than accessibility service, you are out of options, then, because you want to handle it globally instead of when your app is truly visible and in the foreground.Magnuson

Use broadcast receiver VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION then use AudioManager to obtain current volume.

<receiver android:name="VolumeChangeReceiver" >
         <action android:name="" />
Pegu answered 13/2, 2014 at 19:25 Comment(3)
are you sure it works? have you read this: ?Magnuson
@androiddeveloper it works in many cases, there's just no guarantee since it is system-private and therefore subject to change/removal without notice.Axseed
@Axseed Simple enough: one gets internal/hidden APIs on the SDK and when/if that constant disappears from the classes (Android Studio won't find a reference and will throw an error), it's time to think on another solution. Btw, for anyone looking, the constant is AudioManager.VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION.Benzene

2023 Solution with a BroadcastReceiver

Works with both volume buttons and through Android System UI. I'm using BroadcastReceiver as an Inner Class in this example. I'm using a similar implementation as this to update seek bar in a fragment.

public class AFragment extends Fragment {
    private Context context;
    private AudioManager audioManager;
    private final int streamType = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC;
    private VolumeChangeListener volumeChangeListener;
    private IntentFilter intentFilter;
    private final String VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION = "";

    public AFragment(Context context) {
        this.context = context;
        this.audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
        this.volumeChangeListener = new VolumeChangeListener();
        this.intentFilter = new IntentFilter(VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION);

    public void onDestroy() {

    public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        context.registerReceiver(volumeChangeListener, intentFilter);

    private class VolumeChangeListener extends BroadcastReceiver {
        // VOLUME CHANGED ACTION triggers 3 times
        // Making use of increment variable to make sure to skip the extra calls
        private int callCount = 0;

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            if (intent.getAction().equals(VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION)) {
                if (callCount % 3 == 0) {
                    int SYSTEM_currentVolume = audioManager.getStreamVolume(streamType);



IntentFilter can be found here: Android Google Source

Eponymous answered 16/7, 2023 at 22:3 Comment(0)

For those using kotlin flows, you can use the following approach to listen to volume changes for a specific stream:

val Context.musicVolumeFlow
    get() = callbackFlow {
        val receiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
            override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
                when (intent.getIntExtra("", 0)) {
                    AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC -> trySend(

        registerReceiver(receiver, IntentFilter(""))
        awaitClose { unregisterReceiver(receiver) }

You can then collect it as follows from an Activity or Service:

lifecycleScope.launch {
    musicVolumeFlow.collect { Log.d("AppLog", "stream volume: $it") }

Notice this example is only interested in AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC. Make sure to target the audio stream relevant to your application.

Emad answered 10/4, 2024 at 2:10 Comment(10)
Have you tested it? The VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION was already suggested and said it can't be used. It's also mentioned here:
I've shared it because I tested it and implemented it in my app. I read the entry you reference and I disagree with the statement "there is no [constant] in the Android SDK". You can look at the source code of AudioManager yourself and verify they are defined there. However, it is true those constants are not made public, which is why I had to use the string values explicitly. Considering it's been 12 years and they are still there, I am not too concerned about them being changed or removed, but it's technically true there is no guarantee they will remain available.Emad
OK I've tested it now. Still doesn't work. Tested on Pixel 6, using 3 methods: touching on the volume slider, using the volume keys, and also via hotkeys of ScrCpy (left ALT+arrows). Also tried on emulator API 33. Nothing happens there either. So unless you've forgotten to mention something in your snippet, it's still not a reliable solution at all.Magnuson
Can you share the code you used to test this please? I've just copied and pasted the sample code I provided in a project and deployed it to a Pixel 4a and I can see the expected logs when I adjust the slider for the Ring and notification volume.Emad
I have added some clarification to my answer regarding streams. The hardware volume keys are bound to the Media volume, for which the AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC constant should be used. The example I provided targets AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, which means no events would be emitted by adjusting the volume using the hardware keys.Emad
Oh I think it's because what I wrote is about testing the volume of the media. You should change it because STREAM_NOTIFICATION is never the default one to change in any volume control. It's used only in the settings of the OS... I've even told you that I used the volume buttons and ScrCpy... I should try again your code with the correct modification.Magnuson
I've now fixed your code. The question wasn't about notification volume specfically. It was for the main one.Magnuson
Also requested to have an official API for this:
Fix your question as well then, because it is not clear what volume you are referring to. Also you forgot to adjust the name of the extension property because it still reads notification.Emad
I've fixed the code with what you wanted, but the question was always about the volume inside the app, which is media/music by default. If it was a specific one that isn't as common, I would have mentioned it. Go to any normal app and try to change the volume using the volume keys, and you will see that it's the media/music volume that's changing. Only on old Android versions it was something else (ringtones), but this was a very long time ago. I've mentioned it still in the question, to make it clear.Magnuson

You can use : registerMediaButtonEventReceiver (ComponentName eventReceiver) which registers a component to be the sole receiver of MEDIA_BUTTON intents.

//  in your activity.
MediaButtonReceiver receiver = new MediaButtonReceiver();

// in onCreate put

class MediaButtonReceiver implements BroadcastReceiver {
     void onReceive(Intent intent) {
          KeyEvent ke = (KeyEvent)intent.getExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT); 
          if (ke .getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN) {
            //action when volume goes down
           if (ke .getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) {
              //action when volume goes up

   //In both onStop and onPause put :

what we are doing here is defining a BroadcastReceiver that deals with ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON. and use EXTRA_KEY_EVENT which is containing the key event that caused the broadcast to get what was pressed and act upon that.

Foehn answered 3/7, 2012 at 21:57 Comment(3)
but isn't it just capturing the volume buttons? what would occur for devices that don't have them? also , what about devices that have them , but the user has touched on the volume seekbar after it was shown ? in such cases , i won't be able to capture the events...Magnuson
registerMediaButtonEventReceiver works for headset buttons but not the phones hardware buttons. I just tried it.Tootsie
This is deprecated in API 21+Uzzial

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