Here's the purified variant of the code proposed (and subsequently retracted) by @CapelliC:
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).
:- use_module(library(reif)).
lists_lcp([], []).
lists_lcp([Es|Ess], Ls) :-
if_((maplist_t(list_first_rest_t, [Es|Ess], [X|Xs], Ess0),
maplist_t(=(X), Xs))
, (Ls = [X|Ls0], lists_lcp(Ess0, Ls0))
, Ls = []).
list_first_rest_t([], _, _, false).
list_first_rest_t([X|Xs], X, Xs, true).
Above meta-predicate maplist_t/3
is a variant of maplist/2
which works with term equality/inequality reification—maplist_t/5
is just the same with higher arity:
maplist_t(P_2, Xs, T) :-
i_maplist_t(Xs, P_2, T).
i_maplist_t([], _P_2, true).
i_maplist_t([X|Xs], P_2, T) :-
if_(call(P_2, X), i_maplist_t(Xs, P_2, T), T = false).
maplist_t(P_4, Xs, Ys, Zs, T) :-
i_maplist_t(Xs, Ys, Zs, P_4, T).
i_maplist_t([], [], [], _P_4, true).
i_maplist_t([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [Z|Zs], P_4, T) :-
if_(call(P_4, X, Y, Z), i_maplist_t(Xs, Ys, Zs, P_4, T), T = false).
First here's a ground query:
?- lists_lcp(["a","ab"], []).
false. % fails (as expected)
Here are the queries presented in @Fatalize's fine answer.
?- lists_lcp(["interview",X,"intermediate"], "inte").
X = [i,n,t,e]
; X = [i,n,t,e,_A|_B], dif(_A,r)
; false.
?- lists_lcp(["interview","integrate",X], Z).
X = Z, Z = []
; X = Z, Z = [i]
; X = Z, Z = [i,n]
; X = Z, Z = [i,n,t]
; X = Z, Z = [i,n,t,e]
; X = [i,n,t,e,_A|_B], Z = [i,n,t,e]
; X = [i,n,t,_A|_B] , Z = [i,n,t] , dif(_A,e)
; X = [i,n,_A|_B] , Z = [i,n] , dif(_A,t)
; X = [i,_A|_B] , Z = [i] , dif(_A,n)
; X = [_A|_B] , Z = [] , dif(_A,i).
?- lists_lcp([X,Y], "abc").
X = [a,b,c] , Y = [a,b,c|_A]
; X = [a,b,c,_A|_B], Y = [a,b,c]
; X = [a,b,c,_A|_B], Y = [a,b,c,_C|_D], dif(_A,_C)
; false.
?- lists_lcp(L, "abc").
L = [[a,b,c]]
; L = [[a,b,c],[a,b,c|_A]]
; L = [[a,b,c,_A|_B],[a,b,c]]
; L = [[a,b,c,_A|_B],[a,b,c,_C|_D]], dif(_A,_C)
; L = [[a,b,c],[a,b,c|_A],[a,b,c|_B]]
; L = [[a,b,c,_A|_B],[a,b,c],[a,b,c|_C]]
; L = [[a,b,c,_A|_B],[a,b,c,_C|_D],[a,b,c]]
; L = [[a,b,c,_A|_B],[a,b,c,_C|_D],[a,b,c,_E|_F]], dif(_A,_E)
Last, here's the query showing improved determinism:
?- lists_lcp(["interview","integrate","intermediate"], Z).
Z = [i,n,t,e]. % succeeds deterministically