How do I find the URL address of the API Gateway after deployment from Command line ?
I use a script similar to below to deploy my API Gateway and Authorizer, and it deploys fine.
I'm trying to figure out how to get the address of the API Gateway after Deployment from the command line
The API Gateway gets created, I can see the stack:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks
"Stacks": [
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:761861444952:stack/mygateway912/72100720-6e67-11e8-93e9-500c28604c4a",
"Description": "An example serverless \"Hello World2 \" application with a custom authorizer.",
"Tags": [],
"CreationTime": "2018-06-12T17:38:40.946Z",
"Capabilities": [
"StackName": "mygateway912",
"NotificationARNs": [],
"StackStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE",
"DisableRollback": false,
"ChangeSetId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:76161444952:changeSet/awscli-cloudformation-package-deploy-1528825120/352f7c7a-2870-44ea-9e7f-40d16c0015df",
"LastUpdatedTime": "2018-06-12T17:38:46.411Z"
There must be a simple command I'm missing to get this.