I am trying to use JavaScript to dynamically replace content inside of curly braces. Here is an example of my code:
var myString = "This is {name}'s {adjective} {type} in JavaScript! Yes, a {type}!";
var replaceArray = ['name', 'adjective', 'type'];
var replaceWith = ['John', 'simple', 'string'];
for(var i = 0; i <= replaceArray.length - 1; i ++) {
myString.replace(/\{replaceArray[i]\}/gi, replaceWith[i]);
The above code, should, output "This is John's simple string in JavaScript! Yes, a string!".
Here is what happens:
- we are given a string with values in braces that need replaced
- a loop uses "replaceArray" to find all of the values in curly braces that will need replaced
- these values, along with the curly braces, will be replaced with the corresponding values in the "replaceWith" array
However, I am not having any luck, especially since one value may be replaced in multiple locations, and that I am dealing a dynamic value inside of the regular expression.
Can anyone help me fix this, using a similar setup as above?