Can someone help me find where I am going wrong here. I need to continously observer network data and update the UI whenever there is a data change from the Worker. Please note that this was working before upgrading to androidx.
Here is a Worker class.
class TestWorker(val context: Context, val params: WorkerParameters): Worker(context, params){
override fun doWork(): Result {
Log.d(TAG, "doWork called")
val networkDataSource = Injector.provideNetworkDataSource(context)
return Worker.Result.SUCCESS
companion object {
private const val TAG = "MY_WORKER"
Which is called as follows:
fun scheduleRecurringFetchDataSync() {
Log.d("FETCH_SCHEDULER", "Scheduling started")
val fetchWork = PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
private fun constraints(): Constraints{
return Constraints.Builder()
I also have a UserDao and UserRepository to fetch and store data. I am observing the network data in the UserRepository as follows:
class UserRepository (
private val userDao: UserDao,
private val networkDataSource: NetworkDataSource,
private val appExecutors: AppExecutors){
init {
val networkData= networkDataSource.downloadedData
networkData.observeForever { newData->
appExecutors.diskIO().execute {
Can someone help me locate where I am going wrong. This is giving me error as follows:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot invoke observeForever on a background thread
at androidx.lifecycle.LiveData.assertMainThread(
at androidx.lifecycle.LiveData.observeForever(