I have a problem with my query and I need to join two tables from different databases now my problem is how can I execute my query. I got my syntax format from here
Please visit first this link so you could understand why my SQL syntax is like this
Im using CodeIgniter and here is an Idea of what my query looks like:
Notice the way I'm selecting my columns: DATABASE_NAME.TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME
$ENROLLEES = $this->load->database('ENROLLEES', TRUE);
$ACCOUNTS = $this->load->database('ACCOUNTS', TRUE);
$SQL = $SELECT ." ". $FROM ." ". $WHERE;
MAIN PROBLEM: How to Execute my query?
If we do like this in codeIgniter:
$ENROLLEES->query($SQL); or $ACCOUNTS->query($SQL);
How can I execute my query that Im having multiple databases? What will I provide here[database]->query($SQL);
? since I am querying from two databases – Thilda