UPDATE 10-2021
Please be aware this answer has been written for symfony 3, and twig 2.
If you use a more recent version, please refer to the answer of @Garri Figueroa on this post.
As you can see in the twig documentation the class \Twig_Extension
, \Twig_SimpleTest
are now deprecated.
If you use a more recent version of symfony (I recommend it), please use the new class AbstractExtension
, TwigFunction
, etc
OLD VERSION : symfony 3.4
Here a nice way to do instanceof operator in twig with Extension :
1) Create your extention file where you want
(ex: src/OC/YourBundle/Twig/InstanceOfExtension.php )
With \Twig_Extension you can do many things, filter, fonction, but now we will create a Test.
So we implement function getTests(), and inside it we create a new \Twig_SimpleTest
The 1st arugment is the name of test you create, and the seconde a callable.
(can be a function() {}).
namespace OC\YourBundle\Twig;
class InstanceOfExtension extends \Twig_Extension {
public function getTests() {
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleTest('instanceof', array($this, 'isInstanceOf')),
public function isInstanceOf($var, $instance) {
$reflexionClass = new \ReflectionClass($instance);
return $reflexionClass->isInstance($var);
2) Register it in services.yml
(ex: src/OC/YourBundle/Resources/config/services.yml)
[...may you have other services ...]
class: OC\YourBundle\Twig\InstanceOfExtension
public: false
- { name: twig.extension }
3) Then use it in twig like this
{{ myvar is instanceof('\\OC\\YourBundle\\Entity\\YourEntityOrWhatEver') }}
Source from Adrien Brault => https://gist.github.com/adrienbrault/7045544