There are two potential solutions. First of all you have to understand if your first bounding box is in the format of Coco or Pascal_VOC. Otherwise you can't do the right math.
Here is the formatting;
Coco Format: [x_min, y_min, width, height]
Pascal_VOC Format: [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
Here are some Python Code how you can do the conversion:
Converting Coco to Yolo
# Convert Coco bb to Yolo
def coco_to_yolo(x1, y1, w, h, image_w, image_h):
return [((2*x1 + w)/(2*image_w)) , ((2*y1 + h)/(2*image_h)), w/image_w, h/image_h]
Converting Pascal_voc to Yolo
# Convert Pascal_Voc bb to Yolo
def pascal_voc_to_yolo(x1, y1, x2, y2, image_w, image_h):
return [((x2 + x1)/(2*image_w)), ((y2 + y1)/(2*image_h)), (x2 - x1)/image_w, (y2 - y1)/image_h]
If need additional conversions you can check my article at Medium: