I am using UIImagePickerController to allow the user to take a picture. I want to allow him/her to edit it afterwards but, whatever I do, I get nothing.
Here is my code (I am using Xamarin):
UIImagePickerController imagePicker = new UIImagePickerController ();
// Set our source to the camera
imagePicker.SourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera;
// Set what media types
//imagePicker.MediaTypes = UIImagePickerController.AvailableMediaTypes (UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera);
// show the camera controls
imagePicker.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.CurrentContext;
imagePicker.ShowsCameraControls = true;
imagePicker.AllowsEditing = true;
imagePicker.SetEditing (true,true);
imagePicker.PreferredContentSize = new SizeF(900,600);
imagePicker.CameraCaptureMode = UIImagePickerControllerCameraCaptureMode.Photo;
imagePicker.Title="taste.eat. image";
// Attach the delegate
imagePicker.Delegate = new ImagePickerDelegate();
// Show the picker
NavigationController.PresentViewController(imagePicker, true,null);
Am I missing something?
I have followed the tutorial and I am getting to the screen with the rectangle, but if I pan or zoom it just snaps back to the center once I lift my finger. Is it possible to get to this screen from the photos application?
simply allows you to crop the photo. It does not actually bring up the iOS photo editing functionality in the Photo App, as you show in the screenshot – Ruperto