I've been building a browser feature for an app which obviously works with UIWebView. I've been seeing memory jump up when the browser opens which makes sense, however i'm seeing some troubling results during a leaks profile:
The VM: JS garbage collector and VM: WebCore purgeable data just keep climbing the more I browse. Whats even worse is that when the browser is deallocated and it's web view released, these objects are still there, taking up upwards of 6 MB of memory.
I'm not sure what if i'm not handling UIWebView correctly but there seems to be an issue with this memory being held on to after the UIWebView is deallocated.
I perform some cleanup prior to the browser being deallocated as detalled in this post http://www.codercowboy.com/code-uiwebview-memory-leak-prevention/ but this doesnt seem to be making any difference.
Has anyone had this issue? Any insight would be awesome. I've seen a few questions already related to UIWebView memory issues however they don't specifically detail the results of a profile.