Since the release of ios13 I have a strange problem in my iOS app due to tls connection error to my backend. If I try to connect to the backend via the simulator (iOS 13) it works fine, if I install the app on the physical device (iOS 13.1) I can't connect anymore due to:
2019-10-01 13:24:12.862510+0200 CopApp[1830:506662] [] tcp_input [C1.1:3] flags=[R.] seq=2608024828, ack=2612553500, win=28408 state=ESTABLISHED rcv_nxt=2608024828, snd_una=2612553500
2019-10-01 13:24:12.869115+0200 CopApp[1830:506662] Connection 1: received failure notification
2019-10-01 13:24:12.869360+0200 CopApp[1830:506662] Connection 1: received ECONNRESET with incomplete TLS handshake - generating errSSLClosedNoNotify
2019-10-01 13:24:12.869526+0200 CopApp[1830:506662] Connection 1: failed to connect 3:-9816, reason -1
2019-10-01 13:24:12.869684+0200 CopApp[1830:506662] Connection 1: encountered error(3:-9816)
2019-10-01 13:24:28.124012+0200 CopApp[1830:506782] [] tcp_input [C2.1:3] flags=[R.] seq=3652579464, ack=755757394, win=28408 state=ESTABLISHED rcv_nxt=3652579464, snd_una=755757394
2019-10-01 13:24:28.128402+0200 CopApp[1830:506782] Connection 2: received failure notification
2019-10-01 13:24:28.128627+0200 CopApp[1830:506782] Connection 2: received ECONNRESET with incomplete TLS handshake - generating errSSLClosedNoNotify
2019-10-01 13:24:28.128793+0200 CopApp[1830:506782] Connection 2: failed to connect 3:-9816, reason -1
2019-10-01 13:24:28.128949+0200 CopApp[1830:506782] Connection 2: encountered error(3:-9816)
2019-10-01 13:24:43.584026+0200 CopApp[1830:506831] [] tcp_input [C3.1:3] flags=[R.] seq=984907791, ack=487743401, win=28408 state=ESTABLISHED rcv_nxt=984907791, snd_una=487743401
2019-10-01 13:24:43.587452+0200 CopApp[1830:506831] Connection 3: received failure notification
2019-10-01 13:24:43.587674+0200 CopApp[1830:506831] Connection 3: received ECONNRESET with incomplete TLS handshake - generating errSSLClosedNoNotify
2019-10-01 13:24:43.587839+0200 CopApp[1830:506831] Connection 3: failed to connect 3:-9816, reason -1
2019-10-01 13:24:43.588047+0200 CopApp[1830:506831] Connection 3: encountered error(3:-9816)
2019-10-01 13:24:43.594292+0200 CopApp[1830:506831] Task <DAEFF7C7-DF2E-4DCB-9BF9-2A7825D56AF2>.<1> HTTP load failed, 0/0 bytes (error code: -1200 [3:-9816])
Si è verificato un errore SSL ed è impossibile effettuare una connessione sicura con il server.
Obviously the backend is the same and it's covered by an aws certificate created by aws certificate manager. I think the problem is not the certificate because I think it is compliant to the new apple's certificates policy but I can't understand where the problem is.
Could you please help me?