I am looking for a mature PHP-based, preferably Open Source, Document management solution.
- Manage documents, preferably in a folder structure
- Clean architecture
- Half-way nice-looking interface (I can customize but need a clean basis)
- Can fulltext index PDF, OpenOffice and ideally MS Office formats
- Multi-user capable
- Must be a browser-based web app, no Java clients etc.
- Self-hosted solution
Nice to haves:
- An API to read / write documents would be great
- PHP5 based architecture
- Versioning (Storage of multiple versions of a document)
- Image thumbnails
- Tagging
I am aware of
- KnowledgeTree (about to do a test install)
- OpenDocMan (very interesting, about to do a test install)
and would appreciate any additional hints and links to related projects - also in the direction of Asset Management for advertising agencies and such. For a brilliant, totally outstanding killer application that does most things out of the box I would also be ready to go beyond PHP (but it has to be a web app).
I checked through the dupes but found no question going into the right direction.