Chrome started to support streaming uploads https://chromestatus.com/features/5274139738767360
Here is a demo using a pull stream that the request calls when it's ready to accept more data for uploading
let uploaded = 0
let buf = new Uint8Array(1024 * 50)
let start = Date.now()
var rs = new ReadableStream({
pull(ctrl) {
uploaded += buf.byteLength
console.log('uploaded', uploaded)
if ((start + 1000) < Date.now()) ctrl.close()
fetch('https://httpbin.org/post', {
method: 'POST',
body: rs,
duplex: 'half'
}).then(r => r.json()).then(console.log)
As Kyle said, ReadableStream uploading is not supported yet. https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/95
Even if it is possible I would not try to monitor the upload progress throught streams, (that is if FetchObserver becomes a thing) Nobody is working on it right now. But Mozilla made a proposal that looks something like this.
enum FetchState {
// Pending states
"requesting", "responding",
// Final states
"aborted", "errored", "complete"
fetch(url, {
observe(observer) {
observer.onresponseprogress = e => console.log(e);
observer.onrequestprogress = e => console.log(e);
observer.onstatechange = n => console.log(observer.state)
I remember that i tested it using some experimental flags a long time ago but can't find the demo anymore, guess they removed it from MDN since it was there own implementation/suggestion.
enqueue bytes to a readable or a identity stream don't mean that you have uploaded the data to the server, it only signals that the request asking for more data to potentially fill up a bucket