I'm trying to write a bash script that will download all of the youtube videos from a playlist and save them to a specific file name based on the title of the youtube video itself. So far I have two separate pieces of code that do what I want but I don't know how to combine them together to function as a unit.
This piece of code finds the titles of all of the youtube videos on a given page:
curl -s "$1" | grep '<span class="title video-title "' | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1
And this piece of code downloads the files to a filename given by the youtube video id (e.g. the filename given by youtube.com/watch?v=CsBVaJelurE&feature=relmfu would be CsBVaJelurE.flv)
curl -s "$1" | grep "watch?" | cut -d\" -f4| while read video;
do youtube-dl "http://www.youtube.com$video";
I want a script that will output the youtube .flv file to a filename given by the title of the video (in this case BASH lesson 2.flv) rather than simply the video id name. Thanks in advance for all the help.