Clodoaldo Neto's code worked for me perfectly but beware it doesn't clean up the process afterward.
The method shown by Luca Fiaschi also works for me. I updated it a bit for python3 and the updated psutil module. The changes were just that process.username and process.cmdline are now functions and that the iterator is process_iter() instead of get_process_list().
Here is an example of a very slightly modified version of the code Luca Fiaschi posted that works with python3 (requires psutil module). I hope it is at least mostly correct!
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import psutil
import psycopg2
import subprocess
import time
import os
# Tunnel Config
SSH_HOST = "111.222.333.444"
SSH_USER = "user"
SSH_KEYFILE = "key.pem"
SSH_FOREIGN_PORT = 5432 # Port that postgres is running on the foreign server
SSH_INTERNAL_PORT = 5432 # Port we open locally that is forwarded to
# FOREIGN_PORT on the server.
# Postgres Config
DB_HOST = ""
DB_PASSWORD = "password"
DB_DATABASE = "postgres"
DB_USER = "user"
class SSHTunnel(object):
A context manager implementation of an ssh tunnel opened from python
def __init__(self, tunnel_command):
assert "-fN" in tunnel_command, "need to open the tunnel with -fN"
self._tunnel_command = tunnel_command
self._delay = 0.1
self.ssh_tunnel = None
def create_tunnel(self):
tunnel_cmd = self._tunnel_command
ssh_process = subprocess.Popen(tunnel_cmd, universal_newlines=True,
shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
# Assuming that the tunnel command has "-f" and "ExitOnForwardFailure=yes", then the
# command will return immediately so we can check the return status with a poll().
while True:
p = ssh_process.poll()
if p is not None: break
if p == 0:
# Unfortunately there is no direct way to get the pid of the spawned ssh process, so we'll find it
# by finding a matching process using psutil.
current_username = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).username()
ssh_processes = [proc for proc in psutil.process_iter() if proc.cmdline() == tunnel_cmd.split() and proc.username() == current_username]
if len(ssh_processes) == 1:
self.ssh_tunnel = ssh_processes[0]
return ssh_processes[0]
raise RuntimeError('multiple (or zero?) tunnel ssh processes found: ' + str(ssh_processes))
raise RuntimeError('Error creating tunnel: ' + str(p) + ' :: ' + str(ssh_process.stdout.readlines()))
def release(self):
""" Get rid of the tunnel by killin the pid
if self.ssh_tunnel:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def __del__(self):
command = "ssh -i %s %s@%s -fNL %d:localhost:%d"\
with SSHTunnel(command):
conn = psycopg2.connect(host = DB_HOST, password = DB_PASSWORD,
database = DB_DATABASE, user = DB_USER, port = DB_PORT)
curs = conn.cursor()
sql = "select * from table"
rows = curs.fetchall()