While updating or uninstalling Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension Preview the step "Microsoft Visual Studio Preparation" is taking enormous amount of time. I may say it gets stuck.
My suspicion is the installer (Windows one, not the extension itself, since it is getting modified--updated or uninstalled) is making changes to the registry.
VS registry entries are too many to investigate them one by one. Re-installing VS is not an option. (I have VS 2013 Ultimate on Windows 8.1.)
So, my question is: is there any tool to repair, optimize, clean, or otherwise modify registry (VS portions only) to get the process quicker? Or some sensitive keys that need to be explored? Seems like there are timeouts involved? (Although I do not find this quite reasonable...)
Or, if I am wrong about the registry, Is there another reason for this symptomatic behaviour? UAC issues? NTFS security? Other?
Any advice?