I want to filter the output from the Azure CloudShell command az ad sp list which outputs a JSON array, eg by filtering to Publisher Name = "ACME". All az commands support a --query argument which accepts a JMESPath expression.
I have a JMESPath filter:
az ad sp list --query "[?contains(publisherName,'ACME')]" --all
that fails with error:
In function contains(), invalid type for value: None, expected one of: ['array', 'string'], received: "null"
I'm confident of my JMESPath syntax since a very similar expression works correctly:
az ad sp list --query "[?contains(displayName,'ACME')]" --all
I have a null filter that works fine:
az ad sp list --query "[?publisherName!='null']" --all
But when I combine the null filter with the contains filter I still get the error:
az ad sp list --query "[?publisherName!='null' && contains(publisherName,'ACME')]" --all
I'm guessing that JMESPath filter doesn't support boolean operations short circuit. However I didn't find any statement about that on http://jmespath.org/ or by googling.
I don't know how to daisy chain or pipe with the Azure az command --query clause to apply the two filters separately.
Any suggestion how to achieve my filtered output?