Jailbroken iPhones get on my nerve as it taints some fundamental APIs on iOS, by using MobileSubstrate.
I believe many apps use UDID as a mean to authenticate a device and/or a user since it's semi-automatic and handy, but you should be aware of this problem: UIDevice is not as tamper-proof as it should be. There's an app called UDID Faker, which easily enables you to spoof someone else's UDID at runtime.
Here's the source code of it:
// UDIDFaker.m
// UDIDFaker
#include "substrate.h"
#define ALog(...) NSLog(@"*** udidfaker: %@", [NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__]);
#define kConfigPath @"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.Reilly.UDIDFaker.plist"
@protocol Hook
- (NSString *)orig_uniqueIdentifier;
NSString *fakeUDID = nil;
static NSString *$UIDevice$uniqueIdentifier(UIDevice<Hook> *self, SEL sel) {
if(fakeUDID != nil) {
ALog(@"fakeUDID %@", fakeUDID);
/* if it's a set value, make sure it's sane, and return it; else return the default one */
return ([fakeUDID length] == 40) ? fakeUDID : [self orig_uniqueIdentifier];
/* ... if it doesn't then return the original UDID */
else {
return [self orig_uniqueIdentifier];
__attribute__((constructor)) static void udidfakerInitialize() {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSString *appsBundleIdentifier = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];
ALog(@"Loading UDID Faker into %@", appsBundleIdentifier);
NSDictionary *config = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: kConfigPath];
fakeUDID = [config objectForKey: appsBundleIdentifier];
[fakeUDID retain];
if(fakeUDID != nil) {
ALog(@"Hooking UDID Faker into %@", appsBundleIdentifier);
MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("UIDevice"), @selector(uniqueIdentifier), (IMP)&$UIDevice$uniqueIdentifier, "orig_");
[pool release];
As you can see, uniqueIdentifier method in the UIDevice class now returns fakeUDID on any apps.
It seems that Skype and some other apps detect this sort of taint, but I don't know how to do it.
What I wanted to do is: When tainted UIDevice is detected upon launch, alert and exit(0).