I wanted to understand the way fastText vectors for sentences are created. According to this issue 309, the vectors for sentences are obtained by averaging the vectors for words.
In order to confirm this, I wrote the following script:
import numpy as np
import fastText as ft
# Loading model for Finnish.
model = ft.load_model('cc.fi.300.bin')
# Getting word vectors for 'one' and 'two'.
one = model.get_word_vector('yksi')
two = model.get_word_vector('kaksi')
# Getting the sentence vector for the sentence "one two" in Finnish.
one_two = model.get_sentence_vector('yksi kaksi')
one_two_avg = (one + two) / 2
# Checking if the two approaches yield the same result.
is_equal = np.array_equal(one_two, one_two_avg)
# Printing the result.
# Result: FALSE
But, It seems that the obtained vectors are not similar.
Why aren't both values the same? Would it be related to the way I am averaging the vectors? Or, maybe there is something I am missing?