I'm able to mock out the Alert to test that it's alert method is being called, but what I really want to test is pressing the ok button within the alert.
import { Alert } from 'react-native';
it('Mocking Alert', () => {
jest.mock('Alert', () => {
return {
alert: jest.fn()
const spy = jest.spyOn(Alert, 'alert');
const wrapper = shallow(<Search />);
wrapper.findWhere(n => n.props().title == 'Submit').simulate('Press');
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); //passes
I'm absolutely unsure of how to test for that though. Here is a generic component with what I am trying to test.
export default class Search extends Component{
state = {
someState: false
this.setState(state => ({someState: !state.someState}))
onPress = () => {
'Are you sure?'
[{text: 'Ok', onPress: this.confirmSubmit}] //<-- want to test this
<Button title='Submit' onPress={this.onPress}
Has anyone ever attempted this?
Alert.alert( 'Confirm', 'Are you sure?' [{text: 'Ok', onPress: this.confirmSubmit}] //<-- want to test this )
– Improper