I have a LinearLayout view that I am trying to add a divider to so that it looks exactly the same as the default ListView control. I am trying to replicate the edit contact within the default Android (Nexus S 2.3.3) Contacts app and I believe a LinearLayout would be best for performance.
I am using the code to replicate the divider as shown below:
How can I access the default divider color or drawable and also the divider height? I would like this to match the ListViews I have setup, so using the Android system attributes would be best I think. The above code crashes as shown below so I assume I can't access those attributes or am going about this incorrectly.
03-13 22:59:38.851: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3575): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Binary XML file line #26: You must supply a layout_height attribute.