Please see below pseudo code
//Single or multiple Producers produce using below method
void Produce(object itemToQueue)
//somewhere else we have started a consumer like this
//we have only one consumer
void StartConsumer()
while (!concurrentQueue.IsEmpty())
if (concurrentQueue.TrydeQueue(out item))
//long running processing of item
How do I port this pattern I have used since time immemorial to use taskfactory created tasks and the new signalling features of net 4. In other words if someone were to write this pattern using net 4 how would it look like ? Pseudo code is fine. Iam already using .net 4 concurrentQueue as you can see. How do I use a task and possibly use some newer signalling mechanism if possible. thanks
Solution to my problem below thanks to Jon/Dan. Sweet. No manual signalling or while(true) or while(itemstoProcess) type loops like the old days
//Single or multiple Producers produce using below method
void Produce(object itemToQueue)
//somewhere else we have started a consumer like this
//this supports multiple consumers !
void StartConsuming()
foreach (object item in blockingCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable())
//long running processing of item
cancellations are handled using cancel tokens