I have a following problem. I would like to exclude some .java files (**/jsfunit/*.java) during the test-compile phase and on the other side I would like to include them during the compile phase (id i start tomcat with tomcat:run goal)
My pom.xml
<!-- <excludes>
</excludes> -->
<!-- <execution>
But it does not work : exclude in default-testCompile execution does not filter these classes. If I remove the comments then all classes matched **/jsfunit/*.java would be compiled but only if I touch them!
)? – Myosincompiler:testCompile
compiles application test sources (i.e. test sources undersrc/test/main
) so there is nothing to exclude. What is the problem exactly? What are you trying to solve? – Myosinsrc/test/java
. See https://mcmap.net/q/225997/-maven-excluding-java-files-in-compilation – Centrepiece