I had a program that would always attach the same file to GMAIL (Compose > Attach File > Open From > "MyProgram"). It would always select the same file.
What it was doing was:
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/file.3gp";
File f = new File(path);
Uri data = Uri.fromFile(f);
Intent i = new Intent();
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, i);
This was working fine until Android 6.0. Now, I receive the following error when trying to use it:
Can't attach empty file
Astro File Sharing is giving me the same error (can be an old build).
However, I installed ES File Explorer, and when I do the same routine, and select the file, I receive a Dialog which says:
Pick up file as
- Normal Android Way (For MMS,Gmail,...)
- File Way (Try this if above fails)
The "File Way" will fail as my program does. The "Normal Android Way" will work fine.
Does anyone have any idea on what it does, so I can replicate?
Thanks in advance!
OBS: Already tried the putExtra(STREAM, path) a lot of times, but without success.