What is the best/easiest way to deal with Julian days in C++? I want to be able to convert between Julian days and Gregorian dates. I have C++11 and C++14. Can the <chrono>
library help with this problem?
To convert between a Julian day and std::chrono::system_clock::time_point
the first thing one needs to do is find out the difference between the epochs.
The system_clock
has no official epoch, but the de facto standard epoch is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Gregorian calendar). For convenience, it is handy to state the Julian date epoch in terms of the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This calendar extends the current rules backwards, and includes a year 0. This makes the arithmetic easier, but one has to take care to convert years BC into negative years by subtracting 1 and negating (e.g. 2BC is year -1). The Julian date epoch is -4713-11-24 12:00:00 UTC (roughly speaking).
The <chrono>
library can conveniently handle time units on this scale. Additionally, this date library can conveniently convert between Gregorian dates and system_clock::time_point
. To find the difference between these two epochs is simply:
using namespace date;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
return sys_days{January/1/1970} - (sys_days{November/24/-4713} + 12h);
This returns a std::chrono::duration
with a period of hours. In C++14 this can be constexpr
and we can use the chrono duration literal 12h
instead of std::chrono::hours{12}
If you don't want to use the date library, this is just a constant number of hours and can be rewritten to this more cryptic form:
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
return 58574100h;
Either way you write it, the efficiency is identical. This is just a function that returns the constant 58574100
. This could also be a constexpr
global, but then you have to leak your using declarations, or decide not to use them.
Next it is handy to create a Julian day clock (jdate_clock
). Since we need to deal with units at least as fine as a half a day, and it is common to express julian dates as floating point days, I will make the jdate_clock::time_point
a count of double-based days from the epoch:
struct jdate_clock
using rep = double;
using period = std::ratio<86400>;
using duration = std::chrono::duration<rep, period>;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<jdate_clock>;
static constexpr bool is_steady = false;
static time_point now() noexcept
using namespace std::chrono;
return time_point{duration{system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()} + jdiff()};
Implementation note:
I converted the return from
immediately to avoid overflow for those systems wheresystem_clock::duration
is nanoseconds.
is now a fully conforming and fully functioning <chrono>
clock. For example I can find out what time it is now with:
std::cout << std::fixed;
std::cout << jdate_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count() << '\n';
which just output:
This is a type-safe system in that jdate_clock::time_point
and system_clock::time_point
are two distinct types which one can not accidentally perform mixed arithmetic in. And yet you can still get all of the rich benefits from the <chrono>
library, such as add and subtract durations to/from your jdate_clock::time_point
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto jnow = jdate_clock::now();
auto jpm = jnow + 1min;
auto jph = jnow + 1h;
auto tomorrow = jnow + 24h;
auto diff = tomorrow - jnow;
assert(diff == 24h);
But if I accidentally said:
auto tomorrow = system_clock::now() + 24h;
auto diff = tomorrow - jnow;
I would get an error such as this:
error: invalid operands to binary expression
('std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::duration<long long,
std::ratio<1, 1000000> > >' and 'std::chrono::time_point<jdate_clock, std::chrono::duration<double,
std::ratio<86400, 1> > >')
auto diff = tomorrow - jnow;
~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~
In English: You can't subtract a jdate_clock::time_point
from a std::chrono::system_clock::time_point
But sometimes I do want to convert a jdate_clock::time_point
to a system_clock::time_point
or vice-versa. For that one can easily write a couple of helper functions:
template <class Duration>
sys_to_jdate(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration> tp) noexcept
using namespace std::chrono;
static_assert(jdate_clock::duration{jdiff()} < Duration::max(),
"Overflow in sys_to_jdate");
const auto d = tp.time_since_epoch() + jdiff();
return time_point<jdate_clock, std::remove_cv_t<decltype(d)>>{d};
template <class Duration>
jdate_to_sys(std::chrono::time_point<jdate_clock, Duration> tp) noexcept
using namespace std::chrono;
static_assert(jdate_clock::duration{-jdiff()} > Duration::min(),
"Overflow in jdate_to_sys");
const auto d = tp.time_since_epoch() - jdiff();
return time_point<system_clock, std::remove_cv_t<decltype(d)>>{d};
Implementation note:
I've added static range checking which is likely to fire if you use nanoseconds or a 32bit-based minute as a duration in your source
The general recipe is to get the duration
since the epoch (duration
s are "clock neutral"), add or subtract the offset between the epochs, and then convert the duration
into the desired time_point
These will convert among the two clock's time_point
s using any precision, all in a type-safe manner. If it compiles, it works. If you made a programming error, it shows up at compile time. Valid example uses include:
auto tp = sys_to_jdate(system_clock::now());
is a jdate::time_point
except that it has integral representation with the precision of whatever your system_clock::duration
is (for me that is microseconds). Be forewarned that if it is nanoseconds for you (gcc), this will overflow as nanoseconds only has a range of +/- 292 years.
You can force the precision like so:
auto tp = sys_to_jdate(time_point_cast<hours>(system_clock::now()));
And now tp
is an integral count of hours since the jdate
If you are willing to use this date library, one can easily use the utilities above to convert a floating point julian date into a Gregorian date, with any accuracy you want. For example:
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace date;
std::cout << std::fixed;
auto jtp = jdate_clock::time_point{jdate_clock::duration{2457354.310832}};
auto tp = floor<seconds>(jdate_to_sys(jtp));
std::cout << "Julian day " << jtp.time_since_epoch().count()
<< " is " << tp << " UTC\n";
We use our jdate_clock
to create a jdate_clock::time_point
. Then we use our jdate_to_sys
conversion function to convert jtp
into a system_clock::time_point
. This will have a representation of double and a period of hours. That isn't really important though. What is important is to convert it into whatever representation and precision you want. I've done that above with floor<seconds>
. I also could have used time_point_cast<seconds>
and it would have done the same thing. floor
comes from the date library, always truncates towards negative infinity, and is easier to spell.
This will output:
Julian day 2457354.310832 is 2015-11-27 19:27:35 UTC
If I wanted to round to the nearest second instead of floor, that would simply be:
auto tp = round<seconds>(jdate_to_sys(jtp));
Julian date 2457354.310832 is 2015-11-27 19:27:36 UTC
Or if I wanted it to the nearest millisecond:
auto tp = round<milliseconds>(jdate_to_sys(jtp));
Julian day 2457354.310832 is 2015-11-27 19:27:35.885 UTC
Update for C++17
The floor
and round
functions mentioned above as part of Howard Hinnant's date library are now also available under namespace std::chrono
as part of C++17.
Update for C++20
Howard Hinnant's date library was largely voted into C++20, and so jdate_clock
can now be written entirely in terms of std::chrono
Additionally there is a handy std::chrono::clock_cast
feature which jdate_clock
can participate in. This facilitates the conversion between time_point
s of different clocks, and can even help in the implementation of jdate_clock
#include <chrono>
struct jdate_clock;
template <class Duration>
using jdate_time = std::chrono::time_point<jdate_clock, Duration>;
struct jdate_clock
using rep = double;
using period = std::chrono::days::period;
using duration = std::chrono::duration<rep, period>;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<jdate_clock>;
static constexpr bool is_steady = false;
static time_point now() noexcept;
template <class Duration>
from_sys(std::chrono::sys_time<Duration> const& tp) noexcept;
template <class Duration>
to_sys(jdate_time<Duration> const& tp) noexcept;
template <class Duration>
jdate_clock::from_sys(std::chrono::sys_time<Duration> const& tp) noexcept
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
auto constexpr epoch = sys_days{November/24/-4713} + 12h;
using ddays = std::chrono::duration<long double, days::period>;
if constexpr (sys_time<ddays>{sys_time<Duration>::min()} < sys_time<ddays>{epoch})
return jdate_time{tp - epoch};
// Duration overflows at the epoch. Sub in new Duration that won't overflow.
using D = std::chrono::duration<int64_t, ratio<1, 10'000'000>>;
return jdate_time{round<D>(tp) - epoch};
template <class Duration>
jdate_clock::to_sys(jdate_time<Duration> const& tp) noexcept
using namespace std::chrono;
return sys_time{tp - clock_cast<jdate_clock>(sys_days{})};
jdate_clock::now() noexcept
using namespace std::chrono;
return clock_cast<jdate_clock>(system_clock::now());
is simply a convenience type alias written in the style of new convenience type alias provided by std::chrono
. It shortens some of the signatures in the implementation of jdate_clock
and makes it easier for clients to make time_point
s of jdate_clock
with arbitrary duration
There are two new static
member functions of jdate_clock
: from_sys
and to_sys
. These take place of the previous namespace scope functions sys_to_jdate
and jdate_to_sys
. from_sys
and to_sys
are what enables jdate_clock
to participate in the std::chrono::clock_cast
looks for these static member functions and uses them to convert between jdate_clock
and every other clock, chrono-defined or not, that participates in the clock_cast
can simply clock_cast
from system_clock::now()
to return the current time.
simply subtracts the given system_clock
-based time_point
and the Julian epoch: -4713-11-24 12:00:00 UTC. The return type must be at least as fine as hours since the epoch has a precision of hours.
However, there is a complication: Since the epoch is so far in the past, some common measures, such as sys_time<nanoseconds>
overflow this far back. So a constexpr
test is done to see if the sys_time<Duration>
will overflow. If it does, a new Duration
is subbed in that is known to not overflow.
can reuse the epoch in from_sys
by using clock_cast
to find the Julian date at the system_clock epoch: clock_cast<jdate_clock>(sys_days{})
. This is subtracted from the Julian date to find the time since the system_clock
The client code can now use the generic clock_cast
in place of the less generic jdate_to_sys
using namespace std::chrono;
auto jtp = jdate_clock::time_point{jdate_clock::duration{2457354.310832}};
auto tp = round<milliseconds>(clock_cast<system_clock>(jtp));
std::cout << "Julian day " << jtp.time_since_epoch()
<< " is " << tp << " UTC\n";
Julian date 2457354.310832d is 2015-11-27 19:27:35.885 UTC
And finally note that although jdate_clock
knows nothing about std::chrono::tai_clock
, clock_cast
can still convert to and from it as well.
auto jtp = jdate_clock::time_point{jdate_clock::duration{2457354.310832}};
auto tp = round<milliseconds>(clock_cast<tai_clock>(jtp));
std::cout << "Julian day " << jtp.time_since_epoch()
<< " is " << tp << " TAI\n";
Julian day 2457354.310832d is 2015-11-27 19:28:11.885 TAI
Thank you Howard for providing these helpful examples. I ended up using slightly modified versions of the sys_to_jdate and jdate_to_sys functions in order to successfully compile using MSVC/C++17. The original forms did compile using clang and gcc 8.3.1.
template <class Duration>
sys_to_jdate_v2(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration> tp) noexcept
static_assert(jdate_clock::duration{jdiff()} < Duration::max(),
"Overflow in sys_to_jdate");
const auto d = jdate_clock::duration{tp.time_since_epoch() + jdiff()};
return jdate_clock::time_point{d};
template <class Duration>
jdate_to_sys_v2(std::chrono::time_point<jdate_clock, Duration> tp) noexcept
static_assert(jdate_clock::duration{-jdiff()} > Duration::min(),
"Overflow in jdate_to_sys");
const auto d = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::system_clock::duration>(tp.time_since_epoch() - jdiff());
return std::chrono::system_clock::time_point{d};
The above modifications made the following compile error disappear:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\include\chrono(182,23): error C2338: duration must be an instance of std::duration
(apparently provoked by the last line of jdate_to_sys)
I am very new to chrono and date APIs, so would welcome input as to the correctness of my fixes.
from the declaration of d
also works. It turns out that you may have stumbled over a bug in the standards spec, or in one of the std::lib implementations. I'm not sure yet. Investigating.... –
Campanulate sys_to_jdate
and jdate_to_sys
with remove_cv_t
to fix the bug. –
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