Troubleshooting checklist :
#1 : Depending on the database type you are using you would want to find the the column
names and their respective data types using this SQL command :
table_name = 'the-name-of-the-table-in-the-database';
Expected results would give you three columns; and more especially the 'data_type' column.
Make sure your Pojo class and the respective data types match appropriately.
Take note : bigint (data type) in the table inside the database can match with a Long seamlessly.
integer with int. character varying with String or a major java class, eg. a class storing Enums, and so on.
After confirming the above, do the next check -> troubleshooting :
#2 : The Main checks on this troubleshooting is to check that all the data types match
perfectly. And do pay attention to the parameters passed to the query.
Passing an enum
or or any other data type or an enum type that is not conforming to the SQL data types
could trigger the 'is not mapped' error(s) even if the pojo class matches perfectly with
the table structure in the database.
pojo example : UserAccountBalance.class
import lombok.*;
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
@ToString(callSuper = true)
@Entity(name = "user_account_balance")
@Table(name = "user_account_balance")
public class UserAccountBalance {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
@Column(name = "id")
private long id;
@Column(name = "username", nullable = false)
private String userName;
@Column(name="currency_code", nullable = false)
private CurrencyCode currencyCode;
@Column(name = "balance", nullable = false)
private BigDecimal balance;
//Could be placed into and AuditModel class
@Column(name = "datecreated", nullable = false, updatable = false)
private LocalDateTime dateCreated;
@Column(name = "date_updated", nullable = false, updatable = false)
private LocalDateTime dateUpdated;
@Column(name = "active")
private int active;
@Column(name = "deleted")
private int deleted;
Repository class :
//Option 1 : UserAccountBalanceRepository.class
public abstract class UserAccountBalanceRepository implements CrudRepository<UserAccountBalance, Long> {
private final EntityManager entityManager;
public UserAccountBalanceRepository(@CurrentSession EntityManager entityManager){
this.entityManager = entityManager;
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
value="SELECT uab.*" +
" FROM public.user_account_balance uab" +
" WHERE (currency_code =cast(:currencyCode AS text)" +
" AND userName =:userName" +
" AND active =:active)",
countQuery = "SELECT uab.*" +
" FROM public.user_account_balance uab" +
" WHERE (currency_code = cast(:currencyCode AS text)" +
" AND userName =:userName" +
" AND active =:active)",
nativeQuery = true
public abstract Optional<UserAccountBalance> findByUserAccountBalance_UserName_And_CurrencyCode(
String userName,
CurrencyCode currencyCode,
int active
//Option 2 : UserAccountBalanceRepository.class
public abstract class UserAccountBalanceRepository implements CrudRepository<UserAccountBalance, Long> {
private final EntityManager entityManager;
public UserAccountBalanceRepository(@CurrentSession EntityManager entityManager){
this.entityManager = entityManager;
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
value="SELECT uab.*" +
" FROM public.user_account_balance uab" +
" WHERE (currency_code =:currencyCode" +
" AND userName =:userName" +
" AND active =:active)",
countQuery = "SELECT uab.*" +
" FROM public.user_account_balance uab" +
" WHERE (currency_code = :currencyCode" +
" AND userName =:userName" +
" AND active =:active)",
nativeQuery = true
public abstract Optional<UserAccountBalance> findByUserAccountBalance_UserName_And_CurrencyCode(
String userName,
String currencyCode,/*this is what truly worked out for me perfectly*/
int active
#3. Test and test again. If problem still persist please have patience and look through all
your variables and classes again.
#4. If troubleshooting using option #3 still does not help, consider taking a little walk, take
some little rest and have a fresh set of eyes to look at it all over from troubleshooting #1.
I hope this helps. Cheers and peace.