I have a test with loops in the then clause:
result.each {
it.entity.subEntity == "bar"
for (String obj : result2) {
obj.entity.subEntity == "bar"
Newly I recognized that the loops are not really tested. No matter whether I have foo or bar or anything else, the test is always green :) I found out, that loops have to be tested differently, e.g. with 'every'? But just changing the 'each' to 'every' throws exception:
result.every {
it.entity.subEntity == "bar"
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Spec expression: 1: expecting '}', found '==' @ line 1, column 61.
s("foo") it.entity.rootEntity == "bar" }
How should I correctly use loops in my test? I am using spock 0.7-groovy-2.0
(and operation fail) in case ofresult
is empty collection! – Potbelly