Camickr's solution did not work for me at all. My data model was dynamic though - it changed all the time. I guess the mentioned solution works for static data, like coming from an array.
I had JPanel for cell renderer component and it's preferred size wasn't set correctly after using prepareRenderer(...). The size was set correctly after the containing window was already visible and did repaint (2 times in fact after some unspecified, though short time). How could I call updateRowHeights() method shown above then and where would I do this? If I called it in (overriden) Table.paint() it obviously caused infinite repaints. It took me 2 days. Literally. The solution that works for me is this one (this is the cell renderer I used for my column):
public class GlasscubesMessagesTableCellRenderer extends MyJPanelComponent implements TableCellRenderer {
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
int row, int column) {
//this method updates GUI components of my JPanel based on the model data
//this sets the component's width to the column width (therwise my JPanel would not properly fill the width - I am not sure if you want this)
setSize(table.getColumnModel().getColumn(column).getWidth(), (int) getPreferredSize().getHeight());
//I used to have revalidate() call here, but it has proven redundant
int height = getHeight();
// the only thing that prevents infinite cell repaints is this
// condition
if (table.getRowHeight(row) != height){
table.setRowHeight(row, height);
return this;