I'm seeing a concerning amount of 460
status codes in the logs of my Application Load Balancer. I don't see any patterns on these codes in regards to times, servers, or request URLs. According to this forum post, the 460 means:
The client has closed the connection with the ALB before the idle timeout has kicked in on either the front-end or the back-end connection.
I can see the request making it to the backend server and the backend processes the request without issue and very quickly. Why are these errors happening? This ALB does a significant amount of traffic with 6-8 backend servers.
Example ALB Log:
https 2017-01-30T22:46:27.451363Z app/LOAD-BALANCER/bbab458ad0b80d X.X.X.X:55999 10.5.X.X:80 0.000 -1 -1 460 - 132 0 "GET https://www.website.com:443/app/page HTTP/1.1" "-" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1 arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:743462462234:targetgroup/TARGET-GROUP/e6120e5adr245b79107e "Root=1-588fc23e-77aea5adf4534af3de09659d13a08"
Example NGINX log from the backend:
X.X.X.X 1485807955.048 www.website.com /app/page - GET 200 - 0.056 24 text/html; charset=UTF-8 -