maybe someone will have problems too, hope help.
to make it work with WordPress photoswipe-masonry theme is impossible without plugin modification.
next is related to this modification and just with masonry
a) lazyload use data-original="xxx" attribute to set image url . NOT src . to you need place some placeholder . may be 1x1 pixel that will be loaded without lazyload .
b) this placeholder needs to cover ALL space for future lazyloaded image, OR masonry will make all images visible as lazyloading view. it's because before images loaded it has zero size 0px x 0px . and all images fit in the visible area before loading. Lazyload count all as visible and load all.
to arrange ALL space for the future image you need a set
just width="xx" and height="xx" is not enough
so image placeholder became as :
<img src="http:..1x1px" data-original="http://real_image" style="width:xxpx;height:xxpx;">
then apply lazy load normal way and masonry. in any order.
Important - masonry update width to its column size, BUT not height, so if your column size = 50px, then you need to calculate heigh of placeholder
new_height = 50 / actual_width * actual_height;
so for WordPress theme need
$scaled_height =$options['thumbnail_width']/$full[1] * $full[2];
<img src="http://xxxx/1x1px.jpg" data-original='. $thumb[0] .' itemprop="thumbnail" alt="'.$image_description.'" style="width:'.$full[1].'px;height:'.$scaled_height.'px;" width="'.$full[1].'" height="'.$full[2].'"/>
then add new lines below masonry init
var reloading = false;
$('.msnry_item img').lazyload({
effect: 'fadeIn',
//container: container,
threshold : 200,
skip_invisible : false,
failure_limit : 5,
load: function() {
if( ! reloading ) {
reloading = true;
reloading = false;
}, 500);
auto load more (when scroll is at bottom
,lazy load image
, andmasonry layout
. I use angular for this, and those features go to directives. None of the solutions work for me :( – Cowry