It's not only knowing where the application data are, but rather, allowing users to set which folder they want to be used as default. Some users aren't administrators, and can only use local or roaming, but you really don't know, so you have to use Try..Catch. Also, other users may need to use a network to access data, so their working folder is Roaming.
For any user, I allow them set their working directory, and also allow for a custom folder, which is usually for people with their own PC/laptop, who are their own administrator. Below are just the My.Settings commands.
I also create an OutputDirectory (folder) into which application results are saved. (they will have disk read & write privileges if they can access the parent working directory in use). If not, they have to get their IT to set their privileges.
Dim mdfolder As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) & "\Company Name"
If Directory.Exists(mdfolder) = False Then Directory.CreateDirectory(mdfolder)
Dim expfolder As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) & "\Company Name\AppName"
If Directory.Exists(expfolder) = False Then Directory.CreateDirectory(expfolder)
My.Settings.MyDocumentsFolder = expfolder
mdfolder = expfolder
Dim roamfolder As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) & "\AppName"
My.Settings.RoamingDataFolder = roamfolder
If My.Settings.DefaultDataFolderOption = 1 Then
DefaultDataFolder = roamfolder
End If
If My.Settings.DefaultDataFolderOption = 2 Then
DefaultDataFolder = mdfolder
End If
If My.Settings.DefaultDataFolderOption = 3 Then
DefaultDataFolder = My.Settings.CustomDataFolder
End If
If DefaultDataFolder = "" Then
DefaultDataFolder = mdfolder
End If
If OutputDirectory = "" Then OutputDirectory = DefaultDataFolder & "\Output"