After looking through some answers to similar questions here, I just can't get my selector to work. Here's my selector.js:
export const getButtonStatus = state => state.buttonStatus;
(That's the entirety of the file. I don't know if I have to import anything into it. Didn't seem like it from looking at other answers I've seen here.)
and here's what I'm where I'm trying to access the selector in my saga:
import { takeLatest, call, put, select } from "redux-saga/effects";
import { getButtonStatus } from "./selector.js";
export function* watcherSaga() {
yield takeLatest("get-tweets", workerSaga);
function* workerSaga() {
try {
const buttonStatus = yield select(getButtonStatus);
const response = yield call(getTweets(buttonStatus));
const tweets = response.tweets;
yield put({
type: "tweets-received-async",
tweets: tweets,
nextTweeter: response.nextTweeter
} catch (error) {
console.log("error = ", error);
yield put({ type: "error", error });
Here's the error I'm receiving:
Error: call: argument of type {context, fn} has undefined or null `fn`
I'm new to Saga. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?