I am trying to upgrade from Django 1.6.7 to Django 1.7.1, so I have been trying to migrate my app.
I have followed the django docs here.
I deleted the south from my installed apps.
In the migration directory, I delete the numbered migration files and the .pyc files but I kept the directory & __ init__.py file.
I then run :
python manage.py makemigrations your_app_name
I receive the following confirmation message:
Migrations for 'your_app_name':
- Create model UserProfile
Next I run:
python manage.py migrate your_app_name
I received the following error:
CommandError: App 'your_app_name' does not have migrations (you cannot selectively sync unmigrated apps)
As per the docs, I also ran:
python manage.py migrate --fake your_app_name
I received the same error message:
CommandError: App 'your_app_name' does not have migrations (you cannot selectively sync unmigrated apps)
Can anyone shed some light on why this will not work for me?
created a new file in yourmigrations
folder? – Mast