The answer by DaveP is almost right... but can cause problems for very sparse matrices: if the last column(s) or row(s) are empty, they are dropped. So to be sure that everything works, the "shape" attribute must be stored too.
This is the code I regularly use:
import tables as tb
from numpy import array
from scipy import sparse
def store_sparse_mat(m, name, store='store.h5'):
msg = "This code only works for csr matrices"
assert(m.__class__ == sparse.csr.csr_matrix), msg
with tb.openFile(store,'a') as f:
for par in ('data', 'indices', 'indptr', 'shape'):
full_name = '%s_%s' % (name, par)
n = getattr(f.root, full_name)
except AttributeError:
arr = array(getattr(m, par))
atom = tb.Atom.from_dtype(arr.dtype)
ds = f.createCArray(f.root, full_name, atom, arr.shape)
ds[:] = arr
def load_sparse_mat(name, store='store.h5'):
with tb.openFile(store) as f:
pars = []
for par in ('data', 'indices', 'indptr', 'shape'):
pars.append(getattr(f.root, '%s_%s' % (name, par)).read())
m = sparse.csr_matrix(tuple(pars[:3]), shape=pars[3])
return m
It is trivial to adapt it to csc matrices.