I have installed zsh and oh my zsh on Ubuntu 18.04. I would like to use autocompletion for kubectl. Therefore I have added source <(kubectl completion zsh)
to my ~/.zshrc file.
On execution of this script zsh gets the following error:
complete:13: command not found: compdef
The kubectl documentation states that when one gets the error above, you should put the following on top of the .zshrc file:
autoload -Uz compinit
After doing this and restarting the terminal, I get the same error.
In a git-issue I found the following helped people with a common issue:
#This will perform chmod g-w for each file returned by compaudit to remove write access for group
compaudit | xargs -I % chmod g-w "%"
#This will perform chown to current user (Windows and Linux) for each file returned by compaudit
compaudit | xargs -I % chown $USER "%"
#Remove all dump files (which normally speed up initialization)
rm ~/.zcompdump*
#Regenerate completions file
zsh logs the following while running the script:
kubescript:12457: command not found: _bash_comp
Unfortunately this did not solve my problem. What else can I do to fix my issue? Or even still: what can I do to find out what is causing it?