I try to use ApolloClient 2.1 with the new Mutation Component.
Simple use cases are working but now I have something more complex.
What I want to achieve is to query data and put them in a list, then sort this list (here via react-sortable-hoc) and once sorted, I want to update the new position for all elements in the list.
So the basis is something like this, which is working for simple Querying:
const query = gql`
items( order:{by:"position", direction:"desc"}) {
const ItemView extends Component {
onSortEnd = ({ oldIndex, newIndex }) => {
console.log("Sort ended: ", oldIndex, newIndex);
render() {
<Query query={query}>
{({ loading, data, error }) => {
if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error</p>;
return (
<ItemList items={data.items} onSortEnd={this.onSortEnd} />
Now I really struggle at a lot of parts in order to do the mutation.
I think I need to wrap the Mutation Component. But how can I provide a GraphQL Query in there, because I want to do batch mutation with a similar query being fired multiple times, such as
mutation {
updateItem1: updateItem(id: 457092155, input: {position: 1}) {
item {
updateItem2: updateItem(id: 54489270, input: {position: 2}) {
item {
... // much more mutations, one for each item in the list
So my main question is, how do I pass a GraphQL mutation with dynamic amount of mutations to the Mutation component? Or should I do this completely differently?
Thanks a lot for any hints