I'm currently leaning on the Node + Angular stack and utilising Karma and Protractor for testing.
I'm currently having a hard time figuring out how to handle E2E tests that create and edit data, as well the need to have a expected data loaded.
Searching google turns up lots of various custom methods. I often read 'you should set-up your data' or 'just create a mock' without going into a bit more detail on a common process. Others put in too much overhead in creating a whole new mock module from scratch.
I would just to know how are people currently doing it, and is there a standard for this? Or do people tend to just mock the back-end? Mocking the back-end doesn't seem to be simple either like in Karma since your in the browser scope.
I am as expected using MongoDB, so would be nice to get some direction on what other doing in this scenario. Particularly automating loading of fixtures and database clean-up through Protractor would be good.